Automatic Feeder With Reducer
Cód.: 41082
  • Tray made of high-density polypropylene, with anti-UV protection;
  • Easy cleaning, assembly and handling;
  • Efficient, durable and easy to handle equipment;
  • High performance canned motor with options of 1.0 and 1.5 CV with IP55 protection;
  • Metallic parts made of NBR-7008 ZC 275 high-quality galvanized steel.
Easy Handling
Easy Handling
Feature 05
Feature 05
Guaranteed Quality
Guaranteed Quality
High Durability
High Durability
Finalize budget
Product Tags: Comedouro Comedouro automático Automático Saída de ração Silo Distribuidor Armazenagem Moega Acionamento Dosificador Saída de silo Armazenar Ração