Adjusting Pig Feeders
Postado em 25 de outubro de 2022
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The commercial activity of raising pigs continuously seeks the best relationship between zootechnical, economic performance and animal welfare.

The development of a nutritional program is based on the nutritional requirements of each stage of production, available ingredients and the physical form of the feed. In the environment where the animals will be produced, there are a number of factors to be considered, among them the type of installation, the housing density, equipment (pacifiers, feeders), ambience control, among others.

In the feeders item, we need attention regarding the number of animals per mouth space, feeding system (restricted/free), tying to this a curve of expected feed consumption, expectation of weight gain and feed conversion.

The figure below illustrates different managements for adjusting feeders, managements that directly interfere with the result of the batch, either by restricting access to food due to the low availability of feed, or by excess feed, causing waste.

*Reduction of dish cover improves AC
*Increase of dish cover improves the GPD

As a suggestion for practical application of the management of the adjustment of feeders, the figure below illustrates an approximate coverage of 50% of the tray. With this we hope that the animals have the possibility of ingesting the recommended amount of feed, avoiding waste. It is worth mentioning that daily monitoring of feed consumption needs to be carried out, reaffirming the established goals.

For this, you can count on Corti Avioeste's cutting-edge equipment, more than 3 decades of experience in the field, we have smart alternatives for feeders, providing the best cost benefit and animal welfare.By: Fausto Pires Maluf - Technical Consultant Agroceres Multimix
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